Who are we ?
Vaincre la Mucoviscidose association
Created in 1965, Vaincre la Mucoviscidose has been officially recognized public interest organization since 1978. It is authorised to receive bequests, donations and life insurances and is approved to represent users.
Demand, expertise, and volunteering
• The board of directors is mainly comprised of parents and patients waiting for concrete results, as well as physicians, researchers and supporters, all of whom are volunteers. The demand for results and expertise are at the heart of our organisation.
• Paid professionals implement actions aimed at the association's 4 missions (to heal, provide care, improve the quality of life and increase awareness). They rely on a network of committed volunteers all over France.
• Vaincre la Mucoviscidose has 30 regional delegations run by volunteers. There are therefore more than 5,000 people mobilised throughout the year across France, and up to 30,000 on the Virades de l’espoir yearly event.
Our missions
Vaincre la Mucoviscidose provides support for patients and their families in every aspect of their lives turned upside down by cystic fibrosis. The association is organised around 4 priority missions: to heal, provide care, improve the quality of life and increase awareness. And since we have no other choice but to be more proactive in order to suffer less, our action is designed to achieve the 38 concrete proposals for the ambitious volunteer-based project, "Souffle 2015"
Our resources
95% of our resources are based on the generosity of the public and partners. This provides the association with total independence : we owe our existence to everyone but are dependent on no one. We speak freely on behalf of patients and their families to public authorities and the pharmaceutical industry, and are completely at liberty to take stands and make claims.
Moreover, our resources are transparently managed and distributed and this is ensured by the Comité de la Charte du Don en Confiance (Reliable Donation Charter Committee), of which Vaincre la Mucoviscidose is one of the founding members.
The funds collected during Walks of Hope are mainly allocated to financing research, but also to improving care and the quality of life of patients and their families. The figure that is most indicative of the progress made since the creation of the association is that of life expectancy at birth : it has increased from 7 years in 1965 to nearly 50 years for those born today.
Vaincre la Mucoviscidose has a host of men and women who have been proactive for almost 50 years, making things happen, discovering the diseased gene and launching research projects on which the real hope of a cure is based. Today, almost 400 volunteers make a political or financial contribution, assisted by 43 professionals. 30,000 casual volunteers lend a hand every year, especially during the Virades de l’espoir weekend.
The more we are the stronger we will be. Please join us: become a donor, member, volunteer, be proactive in the face of a challenge http://mondefi.vaincrelamuco.org/, participate in demonstrations… any help is useful to accelerate progress and together continue to give hope to those affected by cystic fibrosis.