Boosting research


Therapeutic solutions
Vaincre la mucoviscidose’s goal is to contribute to the convergence of the multiple partners involved in research, at national and international level, in order to speed up the development of innovative and pertinent therapeutic solutions for patients with cystic fibrosis. Three action levers are used:
1. Financing research projects, in all area of interest for cystic fibrosis;
2. Organising symposia and seminars on priority topics;
3. Coordinating research networks.Our organisation relies on its scientific council and its strategic research committee to guide its scientific strategy and its financing choices.
Oxygen for research
Funding projects is the largest budget item in the research mission. The scientific projects financed by Vaincre la mucoviscidose are selected by a strict and impartial procedure involving more than one hundred experts. Grants can cover totally or partially the operating cost for the projects (chemical reagents, small laboratory materials, cell cultures, etc.), but also .
Young scientists: a key investment for the future
Human resources supported by our organisation are mainly young scientists (PhD students or post-doctoral fellows). This investment is essential as its meets the fundamental needs of research teams to keep projects alive. Supporting young scientists from the start of their careers highly increases their awareness of the battle against cystic fibrosis. This strategy is reinforced by the annual organisation of two symposia especially dedicated to young scientists involved in cystic fibrosis field: the French “Colloque des jeunes chercheurs”, and the European Young Investigators Meeting (EYIM) Globally, 200 scientists participate to these scientific events. They go home with important new contacts, new ideas and the assurance that their work is really necessary to help CF patients.  Since 2007 Vaincre la Mucoviscidose has been working with five other European patients' organisations and the European Cystic Fibrosis Society ( to organise the EYIM.

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